

Monday, May 24, 2010


How can we go from 50 degrees to 92 in less than two weeks? Crazy MN weather.

We are so close to being done with the basement, now maybe I can get some sort of organization done upstairs again. It's been in disarray since Alicia moved home in September. All will be quiet once again. Ha!!

Renee and I had a garage sale this past weekend. The girls made a ton of money......I guess if you say it was all under me, we made almost $100 bucks. Got rid of a bunch of stuff, but still brought home a bunch. We will have to have another one soon. This time in Rochester. Then anything that is left goes to the Goodwill.

I finished another Janet Evanovich book. Another good short read.

I made a good recipe this past weekend, as long as you like Chipotle flavored food.
I got it from a Pampered Chef party that I went to. I will post it this week some time.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, where is the recipe???? Tee Hee. We love Chipotle.
